Below are the provisional results of attainment and progress for our last academic year.
Key Stage 2 Outcomes at Stivichall Primary School 2023-24
Attainment and Achievement
In May 2024, our Year 6 pupils undertook statutory end of Key Stage 2 assessments (SATs) in reading, maths and grammar, punctuation and spelling (GPS). Writing was teacher assessed using the 2019 revised writing TA frameworks.
To reach the expected standard in all of reading, writing and maths, a pupil must achieve a scaled score of 100 or more in reading and maths tests and an outcome of ‘working at the expected standard’ or ‘working at greater depth’ in writing TA.
Attainment: expected standard
In 2024, 73% of our pupils achieved the expected standard in Reading, Writing and Maths, combined (compared with 61% nationally)
• Reading: 86% meeting expected standards (compared with 74% nationally)
• Writing: 81% meeting expected standards (compared with 72% nationally)
• Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 82% meeting expected standards (compared with 72% nationally)
• Maths: 82% meeting expected standards (compared with 73% nationally)
Scaled scores
Attainment: higher standard
Scaled scores of over 110 are considered ‘high scores’ in Reading, Maths and GPS. Writing is assessed using Writing TA framework and is judged to be ‘greater depth’ standard when criteria are evidenced through independent writing.
8% of our pupils achieved a high level of attainment in combined Reading, Writing and Maths (compared with 8% nationally).
• Reading: 41% higher standard (compared with 29% nationally)
• Writing: 18% greater depth standard (compared with 13% nationally)
• Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling: 49% higher standard (compared with 32% nationally)
• Maths: 39% higher standard (compared with 24% nationally).
The Department for Education measures progress from Key Stage 1 (KS1) to Key Stage 2 (KS2). Expected progress is zero, with anything above that being better than expected and negative numbers showing less than expected progress.
• TBC average progress in Reading
• TBC average progress in Writing
• TBC average progress in Maths
Overall, we are delighted that outcomes at Stivichall for both attainment and progress remain higher than national and exceed local authority outcomes reflecting the excellent learning behaviours of our pupils and the dedication of our staff. The data is presented in a table below.
Measure |
Subject |
School |
National |
Average Progress Scores |
Reading |
0 |
Writing |
0 |
Maths |
0 |
Average ‘scaled scores’ |
Grammar,Punctuation and Spelling |
Reading |
Maths |