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Stivichall Primary School

Stivichall Primary School

Learning at Stivichall is a passport for life

Here at Stivichall we have identified Online Safety as one of the most important areas for teaching and learning. We aim to promote an environment where the use of technology is embedded in the education and lives of children, and where pupils are empowered to make good decisions when online and know how to stay safe. 

Mrs Nijjar is the Online Safety Officer for the school, and Kirstie Wren is the governor with responsibility for Online Safety. They are supported in their roles by a team of children called the Online Safety Committee (OSCOM) who are involved in shaping policy and representing the entire student body in matters of Online Safety.

In order to empower parents and assist them in keeping their children safe online, we regularly publish Online Safety updates and advice via our school Twitter account and the school newsletter. 

Incidents involving the misuse of technology are rare at Stivichall, but when they do occur are dealt with seriously and robustly. All Online Safety incidents involving Stivichall pupils are dealt with by the Online Safety Officer in conjunction with the schools' Senior Leadership Team. 

If your child is involved in an Online Safety incident, please report this to the school. This can be in person to a member of staff, at the school office, or via the telephone.

The image below of the click CEOP button can also be used for reporting purposes; when clicked on, it will link directly to the CEOP website. CEOP (Child Exploitation & Online Protection) are a team of professional child protection advisors who can investigate and help with incidents relating to Online Safety.  CEOP can be contacted in the event of an Online Safety incident as well as school if needed, and can be particularly useful for reporting incidents during the school holidays. 

Parents – scare or prepare?

Scary stuff in the media often creates a sense of alarm which can become self-fulfilling. Although it seems counter-intuitive, it is usually best not to name the frightening content.

You can further information about managing specific websites and challenges from LGfL here:

More information from CEOP:

Below are some links that we feel will be of particular interest for parents and children alike. 


h2b safer

Childnet International



swgfl 1




BIK bulletin


ask about games





nspcc logo

Following on from our work completed during e-safety lessons at school, we have highlighted the age restrictions for various apps to parents to support in decision making at home about the safer use of the internet and technology. Our message to parents and the community:

The minimum age limits for using various apps are detailed below. As you can see, some of the apps are rated 13+ whilst some are 16+. As such, we would strenuously advise all parents that it is very inappropriate for primary school children to be using some of these apps at all. This advice has been supported by CEOP (Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre). If your child uses an adult's phone or any mobile device with social media Apps, then please be aware that posts may be open to the public automatically. To prevent this and to keep your child safe from online predators contacting your children, the security settings must be changed manually, so that only friends and contacts can see anything that is posted.

These limits are in place for a reason: to protect children. Please think very carefully before allowing your children to break age restriction rules and access social media platforms. Please back up our strong Online Safety curriculum provision at school, by keeping your children safe at home.